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Kodomo Jutsu

Teaching children how to escape and evade predators

In late February of 2015, in Paradise, Ca., a young girl (10) was almost lured into an older man’s car, a man the girl did not know, and felt as if she were being threatened by a predator.  Thankfully, the girl knew to run away, seek help, and gave decent descriptions of the man and the vehicle that he was driving to Paradise PD.

When I heard about this incident, I had felt a new type of fear, “What if it were one of my children?”  I’m sure that many other parents feel the same fear and the desire to do something about it.  In this case, I felt compelled to do something about it by developing a form of martial art, based upon Aiki Ju Jutsu, specifically designated for children. 

Through multiple simple techniques used in various scenarios, the child learns that they can defend themselves and escape a predator just as easily as they can pretend in a playground.  By teaching situational awareness through games and quick stories, children are taught to be aware of where they are and who is around them.  All of the techniques taught are based upon how can the child be grabbed and taken swiftly.  All defenses and escapes are taught with the mind of how can the child maximize their chance of escape by using their size, speed, and ability to alert others.  At no point is the child taught to attack the predator or retaliate against him/her.  This puts the child in great and unnecessary danger.  Retaliation is the exact opposite principle in which this form is based.

Kodomo Jutsu: About Us

We teach to build the self-image of each student, and instill within them that they are not powerless.  It truly is amazing how fast and effective little ones can be at eluding and escaping those who are much larger than them!

Kodomo Jutsu: About

What's needed to start?

Teen Boys Smiling
Kodomo Jutsu: Welcome


6140 Pentz Rd Paradise CA United States 95969



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(530) 487-2214

©2018 by The Iron Dragonfly Dojo.

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