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Aiki Ju Jutsu

More pictures to come!!!

Personal Defense: Classes

Self Defense Training

Using aiki ju jutsu as a medium, we teach personal defense to a variety of body types, personalities, and walks of life!  "Aiki" is defined as “the ability to defeat an enemy with a single glance.”  Ju jutsu is termed to describe a Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses either a short weapon or none.  These two concepts combined create the base in which we teach personal protection, greater awareness, and a higher understanding of one's own true self!


"Slow is smooth, smooth is fast."

Our art exercises control in the face of panic.  We do not believe that our opponent should be destroyed.  Containing and arresting a situation shows compassion to those who wish us harm, and restraint against the ego for recognizing when not to use over-whelming power against your opponent. 

Everything within moderation.

Personal Defense: About Us


6140 Pentz Rd Paradise CA United States 95969



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(530) 487-2214

©2018 by The Iron Dragonfly Dojo.

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